.. honouring our past .. educating our present .. preserving our future ..


A wide range of programs and workshops suitable for school day trips and outings.

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Take in one of many workshops or special events. All designed to enhance our discovery of nature.

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GAMIING relies on donations to continue to support our Centre for generations to come.

Donate Here

Hours of Operation

Open 7 days a week from Sun up to Sun Down

*unless individuals or group secured prior approval in writing.

*Indivduals wishing to visit earlier or later MUST secure approval in writing in advance of their visit.

** Requests for extended hours of visit MUST be sent via email to info@gamiing.org

Kindly indicate contact information & purpose.


Fall Fest and Halloween

Saturday October 26, 3:00pm - 9:00pm

Admission by Donation

Where: The Trails and in the Activity Area

From 3:00pm - 6:00pm is a family event with small children

from 6:00pm - 9:00pm for older kids and adults

Start in front of the Hayloft

Gamiing Nature Centre

1884 Pigeon Lake Road

Between Bobcaygeon and Lindsay

FOREST SCHOOL at Gamiing Nature Centre

Our Forest School provides 10 Fridays during three seasons (fall, winter and spring)a safe haven for kids who are struggling in school.   Our Forest School programs offer access to a natural space with child-directed, emergent, and inquiry-based learning. The defining feature of this type of nature-based education program is that children are provided with opportunities to build an on-going relationship with the land, to one another, and to themselves

The activities that happen in our Forest School vary, depending on the season, climate, landscape, animals that have visited the night before, trees that have blown down in the wind, various tools and loose parts for building and creating, the children who are in attendance, how long the group has been formed, and most importantly, what interests the child. Sometimes children will work independently, finding solace in their own world and creations and ponderings. Other times children will work collaboratively to create something, problem solve, support one another, dream of a bigger and better world. FS can often be described as a ‘magical’ thing to witness, as it’s often a microcosm of collaboration, communication, trust building, and a working model of consensus building toward a safe community.

What are the benefits of a Forest School?

Forest School offers participants the chance to find the joy in learning from connecting to each other and the environment, the chance to experiment with new activities, to honour and respect our place in the natural world, and to observe and learn about nature as it surrounds us.

. In our Forest School, we honour the child’s need to play. We acknowledge the power of play and its impact on their development. The child is given time and space to play. Other than social and emotional development, play offers the child an opportunity to foster his physical development. For example, being on the swings improves the child's vestibular processing system, which plays a key role in supporting the child's connection with their body, gravity, and physical world .

Cost: $600.00 per 10 weeks session. We can arrange easy payments with you. Please call 705-308-5746 and talk with Mieke.


... and the trails are open for your pleasure.

We continue to operate with the tremendous support of our volunteers and will continue to strive to provide the services, events and opportunities that we have become known for.

Our summer camp program will continue and if anyone requires information about our summer camp program then please contact us via email at info@gamiing.org.

We look forward to continuing to stand committed to our mission:

“The mission of Gamiing Nature Centre is to build a sustainable, healthy and robust ecosystem for current and future generations and build, strengthen and enrich Indigenous and non-Indigenous relationships.”

Thank you for your support.

See below for upcoming events

More Events Coming Soon


Be sure to follow our social media channels.

GAMIING Nature Centre

Located on the shores of Pigeon Lake just minutes from Peterborough or Lindsay, Ontario.

Click 'ABOUT' above to learn more


The greatest gift we can provide for our children. At GAMIING we offer programming tied to the Provincial curriculum standards.


There is a need to preserve our natural heritage for future generations. That's why GAMIING has assigned the future of our lands to the Kawartha Land Trust.


Giving and sharing within our communities is paramount to a healthy society. GAMIING welcomes vistors to the centre year round.

Our Projects ... Support Us

GAMIING continues to evolve on our property to provide a unique nature experience for our patrons while preserving this unique natural environment.

Trail Development

GAMIING has over 7 km. of trails that we work to maintain for the use of our visitors. The trails have become a source for exploring the natural habitats that we strive to preserve.


Our workshop offerings provide learning opportunities for children and adults alike. From wood carving to felting join us to learn a new skill within our natural setting.

Outdoor Education

Educational offerings has always been a focal point for GAMIING. We strongly believe in the need to understand the natrual environment that we all rely on for our existence.